Bethel Classical academy
Classical Education
Classical Education
The goal of education in ancient and medieval times was to teach children how to think and learn for themselves.
At Bethel Classical Academy, we adhere to classical methodology. A classical and Christian education is essentially a liberal arts education that strives to meet the ancient Roman ideal of equipping men and women to function as free men and women in the service of God. The Bible commands all Christians to worship God with our minds and to be good stewards of the talents and abilities with which He has created us. Accordingly, we focus on providing an education that is varied, rich and challenging to the advanced student while still accessible to the average student.

The three stages of the trivium are:
K – 5th Grades
During these early years, students study the fundamental elements of each subject area in order to build a framework for future knowledge.
Phonics, basic math facts, chronological historical study, fundamental writing skills, increasing reading mastery and hands-on science exploration are emphasized and instruction capitalizes on the natural curiosity of the elementary student. Latin, the foundational language for the grammar and vocabulary of all Romance languages, is taught beginning in first grade.
6th – 8th Grades
In these middle school years, students begin to question, challenge and test what they are learning. Accordingly, classes are discussion based with a focus on cause and effect. Students continue to study the great works and events of Western Civilization. In the sixth grade, students are introduced to logic. In seventh grade, students are taught informal logic and are introduced to debate. Instruction is deliberately structured to encourage the development of critical and abstract thinking skills.
9th – 12th Grades
BCA’s high school curriculum builds upon the Bethel Classical Academy foundation of fundamental skills and facts and the Logic School development of critical thinking skills With these basic knowledge-building skills, students are taught formal logic and advanced rhetoric in order to clearly, eloquently, and respectfully, and persuasively communicate their thought both orally and in writing. Students study a modern Romance language or continue with Latin; mathematics through calculus; all of the foundational sciences including biology, chemistry, and physics; history, government, and fine arts; and the Western Canon engaged from a biblical worldview.
In all three stages of the trivium, students study works that have withstood the test of time. Subjects are integrated across disciplines and students study complete literary works instead of textbooks comprised of literary excerpts. Our goal is to develop in our students a life-long love of learning and the mental habits necessary to develop mature, logical, and biblical thinking.
Bethel Classical Academy is a member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) and the Society for Classical Learning (SCL).